The MEGS, E Comp Peter Kitson, and E Comp Peter Dawson (then Provincial Grand Treasurer) presented a £1,000 cheque to the late Mr Peter Spencer (previously local organiser of the children’s charity, Helping Hands) the proceeds of the Alms collection at the 2004 Provincial Grand Chapter.

Tragically Mr Spencer died suddenly earlier this year - doing what he loved best - taking disadvantaged children on an outing.

Provincial Grand Chapter also donated £1,000 to the Tsunami Appeal.

The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) is the home of Freemasonry in England, Wales, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and a number of Districts overseas.

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The Northants & Hunts New and Young Masons Club (NHNYMC) helps new Masons meet, enjoy social events, share ideas, and contribute towards the future of Freemasonry.