Engaging with our local community and supporting local groups and charities through our charitable efforts is achieved in three ways:

  • Engagement
  • Financial donations and fundraising
  • Volunteering

By volunteering, we mean volunteering our time, knowledge and/or skills. 

Have you thought about helping in this way?


Volunteering offers countless rewards to both the individuals who give their time and the communities they serve. Here are some of the remarkable benefits of volunteering:

Personal Fulfilment

Volunteering provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment. Knowing that you’re making a positive impact on others’ lives can be deeply rewarding.

Skills Development

Volunteering allows you to acquire new skills or enhance existing ones. Whether it’s communication, teamwork, or leadership, you’ll gain valuable experience.

Social Connections

Volunteering connects you to like-minded people and expands your social network. It’s an excellent way to meet diverse individuals and build lasting friendships. 

Improved Mental Health

Engaging in volunteer work can boost your mental wellbeing. The act of giving back and helping others can reduce stress and increase happiness.

Physical Health Benefits

Volunteering often involves physical activity, which contributes to better health. Whether it’s planting trees, serving meals, or organising events, you’ll stay active. 

Career Advancement

Volunteering can enhance your resume and make you stand out to potential employers. It demonstrates your commitment, work ethic, and community involvement. 

Sense of Community

Volunteering strengthens the sense of community. When people come together to address local needs, it fosters a supportive and cohesive environment. 

Learning and Exposure

Volunteering exposes you to different cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives. It broadens your horizons and encourages lifelong learning.

Positive Impact

By volunteering, you contribute to positive change in society. Whether it’s helping the environment, supporting vulnerable populations, or advocating for a cause, your efforts matter. 

Happiness and Gratitude

Volunteering cultivates gratitude. When you witness the impact of your actions, it reinforces feelings of gratitude and contentment. 

Charitable Organisations in the Province Currently Seeking Volunteers

The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) is the home of Freemasonry in England, Wales, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and a number of Districts overseas.

There are many resources available to help you decide whether Freemasonry is for you.

Click the title to find out more.

The Northants & Hunts New and Young Masons Club (NHNYMC) helps new Masons meet, enjoy social events, share ideas, and contribute towards the future of Freemasonry.