60 years a Royal Arch Mason and counting! Companions and visitors to Socrates Chapter No 373 were surprised at their January meeting when Steve Seward 3rdProvGPrin stood and requested their attention. He then presented E Comp Eric Self with his Jubilee Certificate acknowledging his 60 years’ service to the Royal Arch.

Comp Eric was Exalted in Henry of Auxerre and Sanctuary Chapter, London on 28/05/1963, when the time was right for him, seven months after his Raising. As E Comp Seward began explaining his achievements, Comp Eric took over and regaled the Chapter with a potted history of his busy and fulfilling masonic career in London and Herts becoming PGStB in Craft and RA, becoming a founder member of one Lodge and two Chapters on the way. At 96 years old Comp Eric, a member of Ailwyn Lodge remains an active visitor to Lodges and Chapters within the Huntingdon Group.