Four Brothers in Unique Ceremony

In an unusual - if not unique - event on the evening of Thursday 3 March 2011 three blood brothers attended the initiation of a fourth blood brother.

Bros Stuart Watson of Vale of Nene Lodge No 7006, Tony Watson of St Aubyn Lodge No 954, and Mark Watson of Doctor Oliver Lodge No 3964 visited Charing Cross Lodge No 4913 in Birkenhead in the Province of Cheshire in support of their brother Peter, the latest member of their family to be initiated Initiation into Freemasonry.

The visit was a complete surprise for the initiate, Peter Watson. He was totally unaware that three of his brothers, accompanied by a friend, Bro Peter Reeves of the Vale of Nene Lodge, had made the journey from their homes in Peterborough and Plymouth respectively to attend the ceremony.

(l to r) Watson brothers - Tony, Peter, Stuart and Mark

Thanks go to WBro Brian Hurton, the initiate's Lodge Secretary, for helping spring this surprise. Once Peter was secreted below stairs in preparation for his initiation Bro Brian collected the Brothers Watson from their hotel and hosted them prior to the commencement of labour.

Brethren of the Lodge were fully aware and appreciated their new made Brother's reaction on seeing this excellent family support. Having seen the light in a high class ceremony, Bro Peter Watson's first perambulation was completed with due solemnity and no recognition of the presence of his brothers. However, during his second perambulation he finally noticed them, spontaneously throwing back his head in surprise and delight, much to the amusement of Lodge members and guests who broke out into a chorus of laughter. The excellent ceremony was completed by the Worshipful Master, WBro David Morris.

Culminating in an excellent Festive Board, the evening was a splendid success and triumph for the Brothers Watson.