An Invitation to a Meeting at the Alamo

 WBro Scot J Mikos

WBro Scott J Mikos is a US Air Force officer and a member of Grand Junction Lodge No 9775. At its October meeting he extended a very special invitation to the brethren and their ladies.

On Friday, 10 December 2010 the Alamo Lodge No 44 of the Grand Lodge of Texas will hold its annual called communication within the historic Alamo Mission Chapel and Shrine of Texas

 As Worshipful Master, Scott will welcome the newly elected Grand Master for his first official visit and pay tribute to those Brothers who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.


Plans are well under way for this auspicious event. There is communication between the Grand Lodge of Texas and the United Grand Lodge of England to enable the grant of a dispensation for a UGLE degree demonstration on the following morning

The Alamo circa 1850

All Brethren of the Province and their ladies are invited to attend this once in a lifetime event. More information will be published on this site. In the meantime expressions of interest should be through WBro Andrew Woodward.