Green Fingered Masons Donate Their Labour

NC TLC Trust is a charity that provides emotional and practical support for the families with children suffering from cancer and supports over fifty families across the Province.

During WBro Gerry McLaughlin's year in the Chair of De La Pre Lodge No 1911 he was instrumental in raising £2,000 to support the Trust, with help from the Provincial Grand Charity. This donation helped the Trust continue with the provision of a caravan on the Sussex coast that is used for respite holidays for children suffering from cancer and their families.

When they asked Janet Walker Smith, who runs the Trust if there was anything else they could do she asked for their help in getting an abandoned allotment ready for use by the families. The plot has been given to the Trust by the Earls Barton Allotment Society. The Nationwide Building Society also agreed to provide £750 towards the costs.


(l to r) WBro Gerry McLaughlin, WBro Jamie Plowman & Bro Hayden Whitehouse

The Masons asked the children to think about how they would like it to work and the kinds of things they would like to grow. They responded with letters and drawings they used plan the project - with the agreement of Janet Walker Smith. In March 2011 the Masons were clearing and preparing the ground, building paths and a hardstanding that will accommodate a shed, kiddie-friendly greenhouse and picnic table.

They will also create a small composting area next to a small tool shed that has yet to be kitted-out with tools that can be easily used by anyone with limited mobility. The site will be easily accessible by wheelchairs and safe. They will create six raised beds for planting with a range of vegetables and soft fruits.

The Masons have already sourced the donation of rubberised paving for paths and hardstandings and two composters. Seedlings and other plants are also being donated.

The team would welcome help from Brethren across the Province in sourcing other items and equipment at a reduced cost.

The Grand Opening is scheduled for the weekend of 21/22 April.