Petriburg’s Canadian Link

At their meeting on 8 October 2013, members of Petriburg Lodge in Peterborough were pleased to have a special guest, VW Bro Bob Cowley from the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. He is a member of St Andrew's Lodge No 1, the oldest Lodge in the British Commonwealth being founded by Lord Cornwallis in 1750 - the same year as the founding of the City of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

(l to r) Bro Worraker, VWBro Bob Cowley, RWBro Brian Smith, WBro Geoff Dyson, WBro David Burton, Bro Perrin Brown

Following an excellent and enjoyable second degree ceremony, RW Bro Brian Smith PPGM, presented Bro Bob with a memento of his visit in the form of a copy of Neil Mitchell's history of Peterborough Lodges.