175th Anniversary of Lodge of Perseverance No 455

On the 16 December 2013 the Lodge of Perseverance No 455 celebrated its 175th anniversary with a special meeting at York Road, Kettering, to rededicate the Lodge banner.

The Lodge was honoured with the attendance of the full Provincial Dedication Team led by the Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Bro Max Bayes, who began proceedings by accepting the gavel from the Worshipful Master, WBro John Betts.

PGM, RWBro Max Bayes, with WM, WBro John Betts, and Officers of the Lodge of Perseverance

Because of the large physical size of the original, a modern representation of the 1838 Lodge banner was paraded round the Lodge room. The excellent ceremony had not been seen before by the majority of the Brethren in attendance and it was then followed by a comprehensive explanation of the symbols of the Lodge banner by WBro William Caswell.

The traditional festive board then followed, attended by over 140 brethren from throughout the Province – all of whom helped to mark a very special evening.

The Worshipful Master, WBro John Betts said

This was a most memorable evening for all who attended and a true and fitting way to celebrate this important Anniversary in the history of the Lodge.