Grand Charity Donates £1,000 to Lakelands Hospice

In addition to funds already donated by local Freemasons, the Freemasons’ Grand Charity has donated £1,000 to Lakelands Hospice.  The grant was warmly welcomed by the Hospice at the end of another demanding year. The cheque was presented on 18 December 2013 by the Worshipful Masters of several Corby Lodges.

(rear l to r) WBro W Summerfield (Corbie Lodge), WBro D Jackson, WBro W Glover (Lodge of Unity), WBro J Ranaghan (Ferraria Lodge) & WBro J Hill (Heritage Lodge)   (front l to r) WBro S Morton (Thistle & Rose Lodge), WBro J Burns (St Giles Lodge), WBro L Price, Paul Marlow (Fund Raising Manager, Lakelands Hospice) & WBro B Cole

Lakelands Hospice provides care for those with cancer-related illnesses and individuals affected by advanced heart failure.  Annual running costs exceed £475,000.