Kettering Mason, WBro Andy (Clocky) Adamson has become a have-a-go hero.
After a Christmas Lodge meeting he had agreed to meet his wife. They walked home and as they went into their house they had the shock of their lives as they were confronted by violent burglars.
Andy takes up the story
One of the intruders tried to beat me around the head with a metal pole - the same pole the delightful chap had probably used to subdue my dog. The gash to my head needed seven stitches. I obviously was not happy with the situation and tried to repel all boarders, in a reactionary state of mind.
Was it panic? Was it fear? Was it anger? I don't know. The truth is I didn't have time to think - just act.
During the struggle I ripped off his balaclava and face mask. I also managed to take the pole off him and had a good, firm grip of him, intending to detain him until the cavalry arrived. His mate returned to help him. I tried to ask him to stay where he was but he produced what looked like a cut throat razor.
Realising perhaps he didn’t want to shave me, I decided it was probably prudent to release his mate. The cavalry duly arrived in the guise of Northamptonshire Constabulary.
When we later looked at the CCTV tape of the incident one of the offenders was immediately recognised and arrested the next day.
The whole incident caused my wife and great trauma. The physical scars are all healed now but the mental ones - I wonder if they ever will.
This incident happened three years ago. The police then found new evidence. The mask and other items were re-examined and the police made an identification through DNA. A first burglar was arrested after his DNA matched that of the burglar. He confessed all.
Andy went to court for the first appearance of his assailant.
I felt no anger towards him. I probably actually felt a twinge of sympathy for him and his life choice. Am I going soft? Or have I made better life choices? The latter I hope.
The first burglar eventually received a prison sentence of 4½ years and the second a 5½ years sentence. The third has not been caught. The publicity surrounding this sentencing made Andy an instant media hit.
As he explains
Since the release of the CCTV to the local press the flood gates have opened with telephone calls from all over the world. Our story has been on the front page of papers such as the Daily Mirror, the Observer, the Telegraph and the Times.
We’ve been on several TV stations, in the UK and abroad.
Always a popular figure within Freemasonry, Andy’s exploits have been recognised by his fellow members
After appearing on “Good Morning Britain” I went to a local Lodge meeting in the evening. The support from the brethren was absolutely phenomenal.
There have also been incidental benefits
I’ve received messages of support from all over the world including Cyprus, Australia, America Germany and even a cousin I didn’t know I had. I’ve also had a countless number of Tweets from well wishers.
Although this was a frightening incident for Andy and his family, he is phylosophical about his experience. He reflects
Thinking about it, I honestly feel that being a Freemason has helped my wife and I through this harrowing experience. Their support and little gestures of kindness have been tremendous. Being a Mason has also giving me the confidence to be able to speak in front of others - this certainly helped when I was in front of the TV cameras.