Masons in Silverstone Race for Children’s Charity, Lifelites

Seven Masons from Lodges in the Province have volunteered to run the Adidas Silverstone Half Marathon on Sunday 15 MarchBro Scott Norville in training 2015 in aid of Lifelites, the children’s charity being supported by the Province.

They are

  • Bro Mark Hunt - Grey Friars Lodge 4990
  • Bro Scott Norville - Lodge of St James 6838
  • WBro Steve Webb - Lodge of St James 6838
  • Bro Kevin Eastwood - Towcestrian Lodge 9510
  • WBro Adrian Cadd - Lodge of Harmony

They teamed up together for the first time at Silverstone Circuit on 21 December, compared notes and undertook some light training.

Bro Scott Norville said

This is a most worthwhile charity and I am pleased to be able to help it in this way.  On behalf of all the runners I appeal for donations to help us raise as large a sum as possible.


Pledges can be made online by clicking on the mydonate box or by cheques sent to the Provincial Office in favour of the Provincial Grand Charity which will pass on the proceeds to Lifelites.