Craft News

MCF Community Awards - The Results!

The outcome of voting for Masonic Charitable Foundation Community Awards within the Province has been announced -

Crazy Hats Breast Cancer Appeal £25,000 Northamptonshire
Daventry Area Community Transport £15,000 Daventry & district
Acorn Cancer Support Group £13,168 Huntingdon, St Ives and Ramsey
Carers Sitter Service £4,000 Stamford, Bourne, Deeping, Rutland and East Northants
Northampton MENCAP Society £4,000 Northampton
Peterborough Riding For the Disabled £4,000 Peterborough

Please click here for full details of the Awards nationally.

The Provincial Grand Charity Steward, WBro Gerry Crawford, said:

We are grateful for these Awards in this special year during which we are celebrating 300 year of Freemasonry. Hopefully this will help to show our proud place in society and the tremendous good we do.

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