On Wednesday the 20th of March 2019, WBro Richard Norman, together with several other local Freemasons, visited the Talbot Butler Cancer Ward at Northampton General Hospital and presented Emma Cuthbert (Ward Sister) and Robert Powell (Charity Support Assistant) with a cheque for £7,550 in support of the ward's Emergency Assessment Bay (EAB).
WBro Richard, who is a member of both Lodge of Fidelity and Chapter of Fidelity, expressed his gratitude for the treatment he had received in the EAB due to his own illness. Richard said:
The Assessment Bay is giving me great personal service that I could not better anywhere. I thought I must do something to help with the appeal for funding for this marvellous facility and I am pleased that local Lodges and Masons have rallied around.
From left, Sister Emma Cuthbert, Robert Powell, WBro Peter Dolman (Spelhoe Lodge), WBro Bob Cox (Lactodorum Lodge), Richard Norman (Lodge of Fidelity), Mrs Jean Dolman, WBro Paul Buckland (Lodge of Fidelity), and WBro Gerry Crawford (Grey Friars Lodge and Provincial Grand Charity Steward)
The donation was made up of contributions from Lodge of Fidelity, Lactodorum Lodge, Towcestrian Lodge, Spelhoe Lodge, Grey Friars Lodge, Chapter of Fidelity, several personal donations from Masons and their families and was supplememnted by a contribution from the Provincial Grand Charity
Receiving the cheque, Emma said:
This is a dream for us. Thank you for your generosity. It ensures continuity for our patients some of whom spend many hours here. Your donation gets us much closer to our target.