On Friday the 22nd of March 2019, Bro Lewis Harman was initiated into Thistle and Rose Lodge No. 6644 at Corby Masonic Complex.
Bro Lewis was proposed into Freemasonry by his father, WBro Glen Harman PPGReg, who is also the Lodge's Director of Ceremonies. He was seconded by the Lodge's Worshipful Master, WBro Steve Burton PProvSGD.
Bro Lewis Harman with his father, WBro Glen Harman PPGReg
Thanks to WBro Steve, WBro Glenn (who was Master of the Lodge himself in 2006/7) was able to step into the Master's chair and initiate his son. It was a proud moment for Glenn, one that neither he nor Lewis will ever forget.
Lewis, who is a health & safety manager, has been keen to join Freemasonry for some time.
He is a strong supporter of both Manchester United and Scotland, and played football for both Corby and the County during his youth.
Lewis and Glen are both looking forward to the Lodge's famous Burns Night Ceremony & Festive Board in January 2020, which will also be the occasion of Bro Lewis's Passing ceremony.
Before that, however, Lewis has another important ceremony to take care of: he will be marrying his long-time girlfriend, Rochelle, in June!
We congratulate Lewis on his initiation into our wonderful order, and wish him and his wife-to-be many happy years together.