Craft News

Refurbishment of Corby Freemasons' Complex

In recent months, Brethren from Lodges and other Masonic Orders that meet at Corby Masonic Centre have been volunteering their individual expertise to provide a new bar and dining facility, one that has combined the separate bar and lounge areas used previously into a more practicable and stunning venue.

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Senior Corby Group Officer and Complex Chairman, WBro Jim Spence, led the refurbishment project.

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WBro Jim Spence

WBro Jim paid tribute to the project manager, WBro Dave Genner, as well as the many volunteers who worked hard to implement the remarkable transformation in time for the re-opening of the Centre on the 1st of September 2021.

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We congratulate all those who were involved in this project and look forward to meeting at Corby in the new season.