Craft News

At the December meeting of Grey Friars Lodge No. 4990, nearly 40-members and guests enjoyed a splendid evening during which they were pleased to receive informative presentations from two of the charities supported by the Lodge.

Thomas’s Fund

Lucy Smith spoke movingly about her son Thomas, who died in 2004 at the age of ten from a neurodegenerative condition.

Thomas’s condition meant that he had very limited mobility, but his eyes always lit-up during music therapy sessions with Jan Hall, a qualified music therapist.

This led to Lucy and Jan establishing Thomas’s Fund in 2007 to provide music therapy for children and young people from across the county who have a life-limiting illness or disability.

The charity employs qualified music therapists who visit the children and young people at home or in hospital thereby enabling them to take part in music sessions however limited their movement might be. This is particularly important for children who are too ill or disabled to attend school.

Thomas’s Fund was Worshipful Master David Crossley’s chosen charity for 2021. He will be presenting a donation to the charity in the near future.

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WBro David Crossley with Lucy Smith and Jan Hall

Bethany Homestead

The second presentation was by Bro Ray Lambert, a trustee of Bethany Homestead in Northampton.

Bro Lambert explained the background of the home from its early days and outlined the care it provides.

During the pandemic, the opportunities for the Friends of Bethany Homestead to raise funds for the home was seriously curtailed.

WBro Bob Farey, a senior Grey Friars member who sings in a choir that raises funds for the Friends of Bethany, explained the issue to the lodge brethren, who had no hesitation in offering to help such a good cause.

This resulted in the home receiving a grant of £500 from the Lodge topped up with another £500 from the Provincial Grand Charity (PGC).

Bro Ray explained that the home intends to use the grant to buy a defibrillator.

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WBro Bob Farey accompanied by Bro Ray Lambert presenting the cheque to Mrs Julie Davis, Chair of the Friends of Bethany Homestead

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