Craft News

The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, has been pleased to confirm the following New Year changes with regard to operations at Provincial Headquarters, Sheaf Close, Northampton.

WBro Gilbert Williamson PProvJGW, the current Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary, has taken over responsibility for building maintenance and a range of other duties at Sheaf Close.

WBro Kevin Foreman PPGSwdB has taken on the role of Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary (designate) and will be invested by the Provincial Grand Master as ProvAGSec at the annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge on Thursday the 19th May 2022.

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WBro Gilbert Williamson PProvJGW

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WBro Kevin Foreman PPGSwdB

We congratulate both brethren on their preferment and wish them all the very best in their new roles.

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