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Craft News

Gerald Davies Now Closing In on John o’ Groats!

On the 1st of March 2022, Gerald Davies of Ceres Lodge No. 6977 started an unsupported solo-walk from Land's End to John o’ Groats (LEJOG) to raise funds for the 2024 MCF Festival (link).

After having crossed into Scotland south of Selkirk, Gerald was most pleased to meet The Three Brethren. These were not fellow Freemasons, but a trio of massive, solidly built cairns dating back to the sixteenth century.

Gerald with The Three Brethren

On the way, Gerald passed the following sign indicating a road best not travelled!

Thieves Road signpost

Having completed over 800-miles of his 1,323-mile journey, Gerald is now progressing along the West Highland Way.

Follow Gerald's progress on:

Although he is not looking for physical support, donations to the 2024 MCF Festival in recognition of his efforts will be gratefully received.

Please click here to donate