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Craft News

Corby Light Blues Supply Corby Foodbank

The Corby Light Blues, The Steel Acacias can be proud of their endeavours to help those in need.

Senior Group Officer WBro. Jim Spence with Bro.Kenny Keys, who along with Bro. Phillip Mason were instrumental in this project

Throughout December 2022 they organised donations from Corby Freemasons when visiting for Lodge meetings of suitable food items that the Corby Foodbank desperately needed.

The generosity of the brethren and friends who use the Corby complex was staggering, with over 1,500Kg of food raised for this worthy cause.

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Mark Constant, when attending in Corby was overwhelmed when he saw the amount that had been raised and said that this was “an amazing collection to help those less fortunate".

The PGM, RWBro Mark Constant viewing the food collection.