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Craft News

Spelhoe Lodge welcomes a new Lewis

Over a hundred brethren attended the meeting of Spelhoe Lodge No.8576 on 26th January 2023 to welcome a new member, Bro James Henry, son of WBro Paul Henry and therefore a Lewis.

23 01 27 Lewis Dad WM PGM

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro. Mark Constant with Spelhoe Lodge Worshipful Master WBro Pat Blason, Bro James and his father, WBro Paul Henry, PPGSuptWks

The lodge did a superb job of initiating Bro James with his father Paul conducting part of the ceremony and presenting the First degree working tools.

In addition to the PGM, also in attendance as guests were the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Charles Bennett and Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Tim Almond along with a number of Grand and Provincial officers.

The Worshipful Master W.Bro Pat Blason conducted the proceedings in a confident manner setting the tone for a high-quality ceremony and keeping up the family tradition of fine ritual.

The brethren enjoyed a sumptuous Festive Board after the lodge meeting. This included a very moving toast to the new initiate at given by his father WBro Paul. The whole evening was a very emotional one for Paul who had been looking forward to the day when he would bring James into Freemasonry and he expressed his gratitude to all those present who had had helped to make it it such a memorable occasion.

Bro James will now have to get used to his dad also being his brother, at least in lodge meetings.

23 01 27 Lewis Spelhoe Members

Members of Spelhoe Lodge, together with many guests and visitors, and (centre) new made Brother James Henry, flanked by WM WBro Pat Blason and father, WBro Paul Henry