The AGM of the Northants & Hunts New and Young Masons Club (N&HNYMC) took place on Sunday 5th March 2023 at the Huntingdon Masonic Hall with Bro. James Prince taking over as Chairman for the ensuing year, succeeding WBro. Reuben Freeman.
Bro. James Prince (left) with WBro. Reuben Freeman
Bro James commented,
`It was a great honour today to be elected Chairman of N&HNYMC and I would like to thank everyone that gave up their Sunday morning to attend and support our great club. I must again thank both WBro Reuben Freeman (past Chairman) & WBro Alex Thurlow (past Secretary) for their hard work over the past few years and to Huntingdon for allowing us to hold the event at their centre…….and supplying the coffee and bacon sandwiches. I look forward to the challenges ahead, building upon our great foundations and seeing you all at future events.`
The club continues its success and recently reached the milestone of its 400th joining member.........and increasing!
Other AGM appointments included: Vice- Chairman – Bro Tom Williams, Secretary – Bro. Duncan Ford, Treasurer – Bro. Bryan Walters, Communications Officer – Bro. Marcus Humphries, Events/Coordinator – WBro. John Line.