Craft News

Annual Investiture at Grand Lodge

The Annual Investiture of First Appointments and Promotions took place at Grand Lodge on Wednesday 26th 2023 - please follow this link to our previous article on 14th March 2023 for full details.

 A grand day was had by all and we now feature the following photographs of the brethren in their finery.

 23 04 27 Grand Lodge Promotions 2 inPixio

WBro Roger Blason, PAGDC

23 04 27 Grand Lodge Promotions 1 inPixio

WBro Tim Almond, PSGD, WBro Graham Sands, PJGD, WBro Mike Caseman-Jones, SGD, and VWBro Jim Boughton, PGSwdB

 We congratulate these brethren and others on their preferment and send our best wishes.