Craft News

Provincial Executive Changes Announced At Three Counties

The Installation meeting of Three Counties Lodge No. 9278 took place on Monday the 30th of October 2023 at The Griggs Centre, Sheaf Close, Northampton.

It was a very memorable and special evening that saw WBro Martin Wilson, District Grand Master for the East Midlands of Royal and Select Masters installed into the Chair of King Solomon in an exemplary manner by VWBro Trevor Boswell, PGSwdB.

Following the Installation ceremony, the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Mark Constant, gave his traditional half-yearly address during which he announced that WBro John Booth, Inspector General of the Rose Croix would be installed as the next Worshipful Master of Three Counties Lodge No. 9278 in October 2024 and also outlined a number of changes in the Provincial Executive taking effect from the Provincial Grand Lodge in May 2024.

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From left, WBro Roger Blason, ProvGDC, RWBro James Newman PGM (Yorks WR), WBro Mike Caseman-Jones, APGM, W Bro Bob Cox (Acting SW), RWBro Mark Constant, PGM, WBro Martin Wilson (Worshipful Master) , WBro Michael Jolley (JW), VWBro Charles Bennett, DepPGM, WBro. Tim Almond, APGM , and WBro Dale Gilbert (DC)

 The Provincial Grand Master announced that VWBro Charles Bennett will step down as Deputy PGM after some 13 years service as part of the Provincial Executive, and with WBro Tim Almond, APGM taking over that role. He then explained that this will leave a gap in his Executive and one that WBro Dale Gilbert, PAGDC, well known as the Past Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, will be delighted to fill as our second APGM.

In addition, the Provincial Grand Master announced that WBro William Diggins, PAGDC will step down as Provincial Grand Secretary, with WBro Kevin Forman taking over as his replacement, also from May 2024.

We send our best wishes to all those named above and the Provincial Grand Master`s full address can be read by CLICKING HERE