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Craft News

'Magnificent Seven' Wheelchair Rugby

The Barry Howard 'Magnificent Seven' took on the Northampton Saints Wheelchair Rugby team led by Old Northamptonian Lodge No 5694 member Bro Gerry McCrory in a nail biting clash on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

24 09 07 Wheelchair 1

Losing by a very convincing margin, the Howard 'Magnificent Seven' including PGM RWBro Mark Constant, were outclassed by the shear speed and agility of the Saints team. 

24 09 07 Wheelchair 2

Pictured above, to mark the event a cheque was presented by Old Northamptonian Worshipful Master WBro G Davies for £500 to the Saints Wheelchair team.

The PGM commented, 'It was a truly inspirational evening and good fun, we are very proud to be able to support such a great initiative in our community, thanks to Gerry McCrory and all the team'.