Craft News

Spelhoe Lodge 8576 Banner Rededication

To mark the 50th anniversary of the consecration of Spelhoe Lodge No 8576, a Banner Rededication Ceremony was held on Wednesday 25th September 2024 in Northampton, attended by over 100 Brethren and guests, including the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Mark Constant, along with a number of Grand and Active Provincial Grand Officers.

After the lodge had been opened and the PGM welcomed, the lodge was called off and partners and other guests were admitted. The Worshipful Master WBro Brian Juffkins also welcomed the guests and the PGM took the chair and invited WBro Kevin Foreman ProvGSec and WBro Steve Storey ProvJGW to take over the Wardens chairs, so the Lodge Wardens could take part in the procession. 

The PGM then said his own words of welcome, explaining a little about the ceremony to come and gave an interesting summary of the use of banners through history, from the time of Moses through to modern website banners.The Rededication Ceremony of the Spelhoe banner was then conducted by the Provincial team in a wonderful manner, with the PGM as the dedicating officer and the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies WBro Roger Blason, in his late father's Lodge, conducting proceedings. 
The Provincial Grand Chaplain WBro Aaron Day acted as the dedicating chaplain and gave an excellent address. He explained Spelhoe was one of the Northamptonshire Hundreds to the east and north of Northampton going as far north as Spratton round to Moulton, Overstone and Weston Favell. He explained the biblical significance of banners and some of the features on the Spelhoe Banner, including Pitsford Reservoir and the Boughton obelisk (not the lift tower as he once thought). The Banner was carried by the Worshipful Master, who accepted the banner back, on behalf of the Lodge, at the end of the ceremony.

The guests then left, the Lodge was called back on to finish its formal business, which included the presentation to the PGM of a cheque for £1,410 to the Three Pillars Feeding The Homeless Charity, which he swiftly passed on to WBro Aaron Day, who thanked the Lodge on behalf of the charity, not only for the cheque, which was the final instalment of £3,600 raised for Three Pillars by the Lodge this season, but also those members and their families who support the operation in St James with donations and with time.

The festive board was an enjoyable occasion, with the raffle raising £505 to be split between the Three Pillars and the Northampton Stroke Association. In the response to his toast the PGM thanked the ladies and gentlemen for attending and expressed a hope it had given a small insight into our meetings and ceremony.