Craft News

Excellent Companion Mark Constant installed as MEGS

A Special Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter was convened at Freemasons Hall, Northampton on Saturday 8th February 2025 in order to install Excellent Companion Mark Constant, PDepGSwdB as The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent (MEGS) In and Over The Royal Arch Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire.

The meeting was presided over by The Most Excellent Second Grand Principal Sir David Wootton in a wonderful ceremony, in front of a packed Chapter room and very happy Festive Board.

The Most Excellent Second Grand Principal, Sir David Wootton with newly installed MEGS, Excellent Companion Mark Constant.

In his opening Address, Sir David referred to Sheaf Close as the 'house that Max built', said he had no doubt by installing our PGM also as MEGS and so create a 'Double Header', the Province would be in very safe hands to move forward towards One Journey and One Organisation. He also thanked retiring MEGS Jim Boughton for his excellent service and achievements during his 7 years in post.

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MEGS Ex Comp Mark Constant photographed above together with his new Royal Arch Executive (from left) of Ex Comp Barry Howard (2nd Provincial Grand Principal), Ex Comp Chris Mullen (3rd Provincial Grand Principal) and Ex Comp David Burton (Deputy Grand Superintendent) and installing Officers.

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The Grand Chapter team was led by Ex Comp Tom Hawley, Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, together with PastDepGDCs Simon Archer and Ed Goodchild and are pictured above alongside the Provincial team headed by Director of Ceremonies Ex Comp Mick Smith.

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In his address, newly installed MEGS Ex Comp Mark Constant firstly thanked Sir David Wootton and his team for attending and conducting such a memorable ceremony.

He then thanked his predecessor Ex Comp Jim Boughton for his service not only as MEGS, but also prior to this as APGM in the Province.

MEGS Mark went on to announce plans for the formation of a new Chapter in the Province to honour the commitment and in memory of past APGM and MEGS VWBro Wayne Williams.

Mark concluded by looking forward to the future with a new combined Executive team with a great enthusiasm both for the Craft and Royal Arch Masonry, bringing into action the vision of One Journey, One Organisation.

25 02 19 MEGS Installation 1

New combined Provincial Executive team from left -
WBro Francis Margot, ExComp Barry Howard, WBro Tim Almond, PGM/ MEGS Mark Constant, Ex Comp David Burton, WBro Dale Gilbert, ExComp Christopher Mullen

25 02 16 Craft Arch Chain links

Click image above to launch gallery of photos from the event (will be made available once gallery photos have been uploaded)