
21 11 07 nhb mark

The Mark degree is the third largest Order in Freemasonry and concerns the master stonemasons who built King Solomon’s temple.

The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons was founded in 1856 and is administered from Mark Masons’ Hall in St. James’s, London. The Grand Master is HRH Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO.

All brethren are eligible to become a Mark Master Mason as soon as they become a Master Mason in the Craft. If you want to expand your Masonic experience, and become involved in a wider Masonic brotherhood, then joining Mark is an excellent way of doing this.

The Mark referred to in the title of the Degree takes its name from the mark or symbol with which the stonemason identified his work and can still be found in many cathedrals and important buildings. The essence of the Degree is one of contemplation of human strengths and weaknesses.

The members regard it as a friendly degree, which is not to suggest that other Orders are not friendly, far from it, but rather that this Degree does have a relaxed and happy feel to it and encourages friendliness. Each Mark Lodge meets three times per year.

In the Mark Province of Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford there are twenty-five Mark Lodges meeting at various Masonic Centres throughout the Province. If you are interested please visit our public website for more information contact the Provincial Grand Secretary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To access the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons website please click here.