On Wednesday the 7th of June 2017, WBro Tony Harvey PAGDC attended the meeting of Northants & Hunts Lodge of Installed Masters No. 3422 at Corby and gave his 2012 Prestonian Lecture entitled Scouting and Freemasonry: Two Parallel Organisations?
The lecture was well received by all of the brethren present, and the Provincial Grand Master, RW Max Bayes, who is the current Worshipful Master of Lodge of Installed Masters, gave WBro Harvey his sincere thanks.
WBro Tony Harvey (left) with the Provincial Grand Master, RW Max Bayes - WM of Northants & Hunts Lodge of Installed Masters
In addition to the lecture, the brethren and visitors of the Lodge welcomed a number of Installed Masters as new members, and WBro Norman Pope PAsstProvGM, PSGD was declared as Master Elect.