On Sunday the 18th of June 2017, Stamford Freemasons participated in the annual mayoral procession and church service.
Braving the heart, the public turned-out to line the streets and witness this ancient tradition, which is held at the inauguration of every Stamford mayor as they enter into their year of office.
Stamford Freemasons have joined the mayoral parade before, but not for many years. This year, to mark the United Grand Lodge of England Tercentenary, members of the Stamford Craft Lodges, wearing their full Masonic regalia, joined other civic bodies and local dignitaries as they walked from the Town Hall, up St Marys Hill, through Red Lion Square, and ending at All Saints Church.
Senior Group Officer WBro Philip Collins, PAGDC leading the parade's Masonic contingent
Following the service, Masons, together with their families and friends, were able to meet at the second of two Stamford Masonic Centre open-days. which were held over the weekend to give visitors the chance to learn more about Freemasonry and the work done by the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF), including the recent success of the Stamford Carers Sitters Service in securing an MCF grant of at least £4,000. Visitors were able to enter the lodge room where experienced Brethren were on-hand to explain the symbolism contained therein and answer questions.
These events were the perfect opportunity to highlight that Freemasonry has been in Stamford for over 150 years and to thank our community for their support over all that time.