Craft News

At the Installation meeting of Hatton Lodge No. 3041 held on Thursday the 19th of November 2021, the brethren in attendance were pleased to witness WBro Peter Griggs PPSGW and WBro Michael Gent PPSGW each receive a Golden Jubilee certificate marking their 50-years of Masonic service.

The certificates were presented by the official visitor for the evening, Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Mark Constant PSGD.

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From left, WBro Michael Gent PPSGW, WBro Nicholas Yates WM (in the background, seated in the Master's chair), APGM Mark Constant PSGD, and WBro Peter Griggs PPSGW

WBro Peter Griggs PPSGW

WBro Peter Griggs was initiated into Hatton Lodge on the 15th of April 1971 eventually becoming Master of the Lodge in 1985.

WBro Peter received his first Provincial appointment in 1991 when he was made Past Provincial Junior Grand Deacon. He was subsequently promoted to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works in 1999, Past Provincial Grand Registrar in 2004, and Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 2014.

WBro Michael Gent PPSGW

WBro Michael Gent was initiated into Hatton Lodge on the 21st of October 1971 eventually becoming Master of the Lodge in 1987.

WBro Michael received his first Provincial appointment in 1993 when he was made Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon. He was subsequently promoted to Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in 1999, Past Provincial Grand Registrar in 2004, Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 2010, and Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 2020.

We congratulate both brethren on their achievement and thank them for their outstanding commitment to Freemasonry.

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