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Craft News

Provincial Grand Lodge - Annual Meeting - 18th May 2023

On Thursday the 18th of May 2023, the annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge took place at Freemasons' Hall, The Griggs Centre, Sheaf Close, Northampton.

The event was extremely well attended, not only by Brethren from across of the Province, but also by many distinguished visitors and guests from neighbouring Provinces as far afield as Kent.

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The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Mark Constant, together with his Executive and the Active Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge appointed/reappointed for 2023/24

After welcoming everyone to his first annual meeting in charge, the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Mark Constant, thanked all of the Brethren who had not only made his first year extremely enjoyable, but more importantly, had helped him achieve so much in such a short time.

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The Provincial Grand Master was then pleased to appoint WBro Philip Miles as Provincial Senior Grand Warden and WBro Kevin Barton as Provincial Junior Grand Warden.

Following this, he took the opportunity to thank the outgoing Senior and Junior Grand Wardens, WBro Mark Charteress and WBro Simon Perry, for their hard work and support during a very successful year.

The Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to appoint/reappoint his Active Officers for 2023/24 as well as invest those brethren who were receiving Provincial Grand Rank for the first time.

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The Provincial Grand Master went on to acknowledge those brethren who had worked so hard to make this and other events so successful. He made special mention of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Roger Blason, and his team (pictured above); also, the Provincial Grand Secretary, WBro William Diggins (pictured below with APGM WBro Mike Caseman-Jones), his assistant, WBro Kevin Foreman ProvAGSec, and their team of willing and able volunteers including many from the Palmer Lodge of Provincial Grand Stewards.

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An excellent Festive Board followed, one that was attended and enjoyed by over 300-Brethren, all celebrating a most memorable day together.

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After highlighting the challenges involved in achieving our goals of growth and development during the next 12-months, the Provincial Grand Master (pictured above) concluded events by wishing everyone a very happy summer.

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