Craft News

Presentation of the PGMs Certificate of Merit - WBro Jeff Freeman

A delightful turn of events took place at the Lodge of Heritage No. 9344 regular lodge meeting on Friday 20th October 2023, when the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Mark Constant made an unexpected appearance, catching the members off guard.

Just as the Lodge was about to conclude its proceedings, a sudden report echoed at the door, and to everyone's astonishment, W Bro Roger Blason, the ProvGDC, entered, announcing, "The PGM stands without, and he demands admission."

Adding to the intrigue, upon his entrance, the Provincial Grand Master graciously accepted the Gavel extended to him by the Worshipful Master, further heightening the sense of anticipation in the room, the PGM then addressed the brethren, congratulating all Corby Masons on their commendable efforts and unwavering dedication in refurbishing and reorganising the Corby Masonic Centre amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic.

To the surprise of all present, the PGM then requested W Bro Jeff Freeman to join him, where he bestowed upon him the Provincial Grand Master's Certificate of Merit.

In a further honour, WBro Freeman was elevated to the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden.

The Lodge was temporarily called off, for a photographic celebration, only to be called back on for the PGM's departure, leaving the brethren in a state of bewilderment and open-mouthed awe.

Many congratulations WBro Jeff Freeman, PPSGW C. of M. - an honour truly earned and well deserved.