Craft News

Masonic Union For Lodge of Prudence 8946

Saturday 28th October 2023 was the lodge’s Installation Meeting, this turned out to be a very busy day, even calling off at one point for a comfort break. Not only was a new WM installed, WBro Andrew Leeson, the 16 joining members were successfully balloted, with 13 of them taking office for the year ahead. This set up the rest of the afternoon well as the lodge also went on to initiate their first candidate in almost 10 years, Mr Lloyd Roberts. A baptism of fire for the Junior Deacon Bro Touka Cosens, who after just being invested had his first candidate to conduct through the ceremony of Initiation.

The aim of the meeting was to combine the Lodge of Prudence and 16 Brethren of the Province of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire who were initially looking into forming a new specialist Lodge for followers of Martial Arts. The idea for those interested to join Prudence was put forward by our Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Bro Mark Constant and Prudence’s Group Officer, WBro Rob Pues. As Bro Craig Sparham announced in his Toast to the Visitors, “Today is not a takeover, it is a day of Masonic Union”. Which was a great description of the day.

Back row: WBro Tony Wiltshire, WBro Mark Sparham, Bro Ritchie Juane, Bro Daniel Sparham, Bro Craig Sparham, WBro Lukasz Kusiack

Next Row: WBro Alan Sparham, Bro Joe Baresford, WBro Paul Buckland, WBro Roger Clarke, Bro Richard Nixon

Front Row: Bro Touka Cosens, WBro Cargin Moss, RWBro Mark Constant, WBro Andrew Leeson, WBro Phillip Miles, WBro Jonathan Goddard, WBro Mark Hunt

WM Andrew Leeson commented, “this was probably one of the busiest days I have had in Freemasonry. Arriving at the Lodge at midday to meet with the candidate again, who has been successfully proposed and balloted for at a previous meeting, followed by a run through some parts of the ceremony. The Lodge started to welcome brethren, guests and joining members from 2.00pm for tea, coffee, and biscuits”.

The meeting was due to have an official representative of the Provincial Grand Master, WBro Michal Branch who unfortunately had actually suffered a heart attack whilst at a lodge meeting just a week before. Thankfully several of the lodge members were able to perform CPR and utilise the lodges defibrillator until the paramedics arrived. The WM, Lodge Members and Visitors all wished Michael a speedy recovery. Instead, W.Bro Philip Miles ProvSGW stepped in as the official visitor accompanied by his Escorting Officer W.Bro Richard Powell Prov Gstwd.

The Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Bro Mark Constant actually attended as a personal guest of one of the Joining Members, WBro Alan Sparham ProvGStwd, who was invested on the day as the lodge’s new Director of Ceremonies. The Lodge was opened by the Installing Master, WBro Mark Evans who was able to personally thank and congratulate the outgoing Secretary WBro Michael Robinson PPJGW SLGR for both his service to the lodge and on fifty years’ service to freemasonry.

After the risings the Lodge was closed at 6.30pm with members and guests retiring for the festive board. As the official visitor and official representative WBro Philip Miles responded to the Toast to Province. Bro Criag Sparham offered a sincere and genuine toast to the visitors, reminding everyone that the day was about Masonic Union. Responding to the visitors toast, by his recollection, for the first time in around 10 years was the Provincial Grand Master who could not agree more with Bro Criag’s comments and congratulated all who had taken part in both ceremonies of the day and for the joining members and lodge members making sure the lodge was in a perfect position to grow and prosper.

Lodge of Prudence only met three times per year, the lodge will be seeking to expand this to five meetings to include, Installation, a ladies night and three progressive meetings for candidates. They will need to get moving as there are five new candidates waiting in the wings.