Craft News

Freemasons make donation to Little Miracles

The Freemasons of Peterborough were proud to present a cheque for £10,000 to a local charity in Peterborough. Little Miracles is a charity embedded in the fabric of the local community, supporting families that have children with additional needs, disabilities and life limiting conditions. Brethren of the
Fitzwilliam, Vale of Nene and Medeshamstede Lodges combined their efforts to support the charity with a donation. The Provincial Grand Charity and the Masonic Charitable Foundation further contributed, realising a total donation of £10,000 for Little Miracles. 

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WBro Mick Warren, APGCHStwd, WBro Rhys Perrin, WM of Vale of Nene, Wbro Roy Stockbridge, IPM of Fitzwilliam, WBro Trevor SmithWM of Medeshamstede, together with Michelle King and other Little Miracles representatives.

W.Bro Roy Stockbridge, IPM of Fitzwilliam Lodge, who was able to present the cheque, together with W.Bro Rhys Perrin, WM of The Vale of Nene Lodge, and W. Bro Mick Warren, Assistant Provincial Charity Steward, said “Little Miracles is a lifeline, providing hope and emotional support for families when they most need it”.

Michelle King, CEO of the charity commented “this donation will benefit those children with the highest levels of needs’ ” and went on to say she was “amazed by the support Local Freemasons had given to the charity over the last two years”.

If you would like to find out a little more about Freemasonry in Peterborough please (call the Ellindon Masonic Centre, Peterborough on 01733 331948), e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit