Craft News

Completing the LEJOG Challenge

WBro Stuart Morgan PPJGW has just spent the last month cycling from Lands End to John O'Groats in aid of the Peterborough Oncology Ward. Stuart's mother lodge is The Lodge of Merit No.466, meeting in Stamford. Stuart said, "We have members who have recently been treated on that ward and my wife was also treated there in 2015, so I wanted to recognise the incredible work the staff are doing caring for cancer patients."

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He began his epic adventure on 2nd June and took nineteen days to cycle through England, Wales and Scotland. He covered a total distance of just over 1,000 miles and a total climb equivalent to two and a half times the height of Mount Everest.

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Whilst the weather was kind for most of the way Stuart had to endure high headwinds, unseasonal cold and driving rain on the toughest part of the Scotland leg.

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This is the second LEJOG Stuart has completed, having cycled it in 2017 to raise money in memory of his wife Angie, who had passed away from ovarian cancer two years before.

Stuart says, "The LEJOG is one of the world's great iconic cycle rides and is the best way to explore the stunning landscapes across the UK." He is a keen cyclist and has not ruled out the possibility of doing it again in the future. But, before then, he plans to do some cycling closer to home and spend more time with his grandchildren.

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If you would like to support Stuart's charity, you can donate using the following link: